I admit it... I do like a new shiny bright thing. I'm a bit of an 'ooooh, what does that do' fiend, on the quiet. At the same time, once I've found a service which ticks my own personal boxes I'm a bit of a loyal bunny. For the past couple of years Delicious has been one of my favourite bits of web 2.0 goodness. I've used tags to pool resources. I've subscribed to particular tags using Google Reader to keep up to date with what's going on in particular areas. It's been fab for keeping my bookmarks in one place, no matter what computer I'm using. Everything in one place, easy to search, pop 'em on your blog... bish bash bosh.
So, tootling to something else is a bit of a surprise to me... but I have. I've started using Diigo. I haven't quite let go of Delicious but that's one of the good things about Diigo. It allows me to automatically export my bookmarks to Delicious so I don't need to use that service directly anymore. It lets me filter my tags and works directly with Blogger so I don't have to do a tortuous backdoor route to get my bookmarks into my blog. And the toolbar - I have to say that although it takes up more space than the the Delicious buttons... it's fab! You can highlight and make comments on pages and it interacts easily with some of the main social networking sites such as Twitter or Facebook. It does the things you didn't realise you wanted Delicious to do, but now you've got a taste for those features, you don't really want to go back...
Diigo... me like! Have a look... see if you find Delicious slightly less delicious after using Diigo for a couple of weeks!