1. There's no hashtag key on my MacBook Pro keyboard - to enter a hashtag you need to press alt and 3 together
2. You can get a whole load more symbols by pressing the alt key and another key... here are some useful ones:
- alt + 2 = €
- alt + 0 = º
- alt + 8 = •
- alt + r = ®
- alt + w = ∑
- alt + p = π
- alt + s = ß
- alt + g = ©
- alt + ; = …
- alt + x = ≈
- alt + c = ç
- alt + / = ÷
4. If you want to delete one word at a time, press alt and backspace
5. Pressing F12 brings up the Dashboard gadgets. Press it again and the Dashboard disappears again
6. Pressing F11 moves everything so you can see the desktop. Pressing it again brings everything back.
7. When you're in your web browser, press F6 and you select everything in the address bar
8. Press F9 and you can toggle through all open windows
9. To select words one word at a time, hold down alt, shift and press the left cursor key
10. To quit any application, press cmd and q
That'll do for now! My closet nerdness loves finding keyboard shortcuts! :o)