Tuesday, December 23, 2008

State of the Blogosphere reveals state of the Technosphere

Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008: "Global Snapshot of Bloggers
Global Snapshot of Bloggers
Demographics U.S. Bloggers (N=550) European Bloggers (N=350) Asian Bloggers (N=173)
Male 57% 73% 73%

Taken from the "State of the Blogosphere" report now available from Technorati. Have to admit to feeling marginally annoyed at them deciding to have a 'male' category at the top of the demographics section with no female group. Why? Why just male? What a strange choice to make. Or is it just indicative of the 'State of the Technosphere'? Would never think to have a category labelled 'female' and ignore the males... oh no...

Is it any wonder IT and the tech world is so male dominated when a major report on the blogosphere manages to leave off over half the world's population in terms of demographic analysis? Relegated to the 'gender' section goes any consideration of women's role in all this. Nice work, Technorati. *sigh*